With time flies 4 days show time of Changshun brand’s diesel injection parts and common rail systems components in Automechanika Shanghai 2018 has come to the end.We have to admit that it’s a successful exhibition for those manufacturers,importers,wholesalers and also retailers to connect each other.
In this trade fair,our featured products Head Rotor (VE/DPA) and attracted a number of visitors from various countries and regions,including DELPHI from UK,DENSO from Japan.Obviously on the pursuit of premium quality,Changshun brand stays in the same line with the original equipment standard.
Thanks to our reputation and contribution in truck components,our company is chosen as Famous Enterprises China Commercial Vehicle Parts and listed in the 2018 publication “Commercial Vehilce Parts Foreign Trade Service” issued by official Automechanika Shanghai.We will continue to explore and pursue in this line and continue to provide you with better services and high-quality truck spare parts!
When it comes to overall solution of diesel systems components in aftermarket,no one can do better than Changshun.
See you in Automechanika Shanghai 2019.